Mechanic Tips

8 Signs Your Car Needs Servicing: Don’t Ignore These Red Flags


Maintaining the tip-top condition of your car is no child’s play—it’s an essential aspect of owning a vehicle. With regular car maintenance, not only can you ensure smooth rides but you also increase your automobile’s longevity. Moreover, recognising the tell-tale signs your car needs a check-up can save you time, money and potential road nightmares. So, strap in as we drive you through the eight key red flags that indicate your car needs servicing.

1. Warning Lights on the Dashboard

Your dashboard is a window to your vehicle’s health. Various warning lights alert you to potential issues, from engine troubles to oil and brake issues. Engine light turning on? It’s time to buckle up and visit the mechanic. Oil or brake light giving you the red signal? Don’t just sit there twiddling your thumbs—it’s time for action! Paying attention to these warning lights is critical to preventing small issues from turning into pricey repairs or, worse, dangerous situations on the road.

2. Unusual Noises

Next up, keep your ears pricked for any unusual noises. Your car should be as quiet as a library—any squeaking, grinding, or knocking sound isn’t a part of the soundtrack. These noises could point to anything, from engine issues to brake problems. Turning a deaf ear to these sounds today could lead to your car singing the blues tomorrow.

3. Reduced Fuel Efficiency

Fuel efficiency is the bread and butter of economical driving. When your car starts guzzling down petrol like it’s going out of fashion, it’s a sign of potential engine health problems. Keep track of how often you’re filling up—if there’s a change, it’s time for a check-up. Regular car servicing can help nip these issues in the bud and keep your car running efficiently.

4. Excessive Exhaust Smoke

Seeing more exhaust smoke than usual? This could be a red flag. While cars aren’t exactly a beacon of environmental friendliness, unusual amounts of white, black, or blue smoke indicate possible issues. Moreover, excessive smoke is not just bad news for your vehicle—it’s also a hazard for Mother Earth. So, let’s do our bit to keep the air clean.

5. Trouble Starting the Car

There’s no worse feeling than turning your key in the ignition, only to be met with…nothing. Trouble starting your car is like receiving a hand-written invitation from your vehicle saying, “It’s time for a service.” Don’t disregard it. Potential reasons could be as benign as a dead battery or as serious as a faulty ignition switch. Whatever the case, a mechanic should be your next port of call.

6. Uneven or Unusual Tyre Wear

Your tyres are the shoes of your car—they need to be in top-notch condition for the vehicle’s performance and safety. If your tyres are wearing out unevenly or faster than usual, it’s a sure sign that your car is crying out for attention. Regular tyre checks are a must—after all, you wouldn’t wear shoes with worn-out soles, would you?

7. Leaking Fluids

Leaking fluids are to cars what a runny nose is to humans—nobody likes them, and they’re a clear sign that something’s wrong. From brake fluid to coolant and engine oil, your car houses a variety of liquids—all crucial to its proper functioning. A spot of unidentified liquid under your car should warrant an immediate visit to your mechanic.

8. Changes in Brake Performance

Brake issues should be as non-negotiable as stopping at a red light. Changes in brake performance could include anything from a soft brake pedal to a grinding noise when braking. Don’t gamble with your safety—any sign of brake trouble should have you hitting the road to the nearest service station.


When it comes to car maintenance, prevention is better than cure. Be it dashboard warning lights, unusual noises, changes in fuel efficiency, or visible leaks—don’t ignore these red flags. Paying heed to these signs and ensuring regular servicing is the key to your car’s health and longevity. After all, your car takes you places—it’s only fair you take care of it in return.

1. What types of vehicles does SNC Automotive service?

At SNC Automotive, we pride ourselves on being able to service a wide range of vehicles. Our team of experienced mechanics can work on anything from family cars and SUVs to utes and vans. Whether you have a Ford, Toyota, Holden, or any other make, we’ve got you covered. Our comprehensive services are designed to meet all of your automotive needs.

2. How often should I get my car serviced at SNC Automotive?

The frequency of servicing depends on several factors, including the make and model of your car, its age, and your driving habits. As a rule of thumb, we recommend a basic service every 6 months or 10,000 kilometres, whichever comes first. However, for more precise recommendations, refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual or feel free to give us a call. We’re always here to help.

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